Monday, April 5, 2010

New and Improved?

So I have moved into my in between office. It is big and cold and I am not so sure I like it. But it is only temporary until the maintenance department runs a new phone and internet line to my new office. There hasn't been anyone in my new office since internet was run through the phone line. I am worried that the big wigs in the administration building where my in between office is will think I am slacking off because I have to be in my office a lot this week. I have to write a bunch of reports and they might think I am hiding. Oh well, all I can do is all I can do.

Silly is being just that. Last night I was reading as I was laying on the couch and she decided that it was a good time to attack the stings and zipper pull on the hoodie jacket I was wearing. I really need to remember to watch out for her claws. She still seems to think it is okay to put her claws on my face, but we are working on that. I did make her some toys, she plays with one but not the other. Last night she decided it was time to run around the house like something was chasing her. I am kind of worried though. I cleaned out her litter box today and I don't think she is using it for #1, but only #2. SO I need to find out where she is going and fast so I can put a stop to it.

I didn't really get too much accomplished this weekend. I spend most of Saturday watching conference. But I did go and see "Clash of the Titans" and I really like it. Everyone else in my family was able to watch it in 3D but we are lucky to get first run movies here, so I can't complain. I sat close enough to the screen that it might as well have been 3D. I watched conference on Sunday too, but I also made a roast with potatos, carrots, and onions for linner. I had two helpings and I have six helping left over. I really need to learn how to cook for one. Oh well, at least I will have a lot of left overs to take to work. I started reading Eclipse again so I can be ready for the movie in June. I started it yesterday afternoon, I am almost finished with it. Oh well.

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