Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Necklace Project Days 62-67

It seems that the closer it gets to the end of the semester the further and further behind I am falling in a lot of things. My supervisor is so surprised when I tell her that yes I am still doing the necklace project. I haven't repeated a necklace yet, just skipped a couple of days wearing necklaces. Like this last Saturday, there was no need to wear a necklace because I slept all day. I participated in the UW Relay for Life on Friday and was up for over 24 hours, so I slept for most of Saturday. Then with Sunday being a day where I didn't need to dress up for church there was another day with no necklace. I am coming to the end of my necklaces I think so that will be good. Then I will probably only post on here when I remember or when I have made another piece of jewelry. We will see. SO on with the necklaces.
 I just made this necklace a couple of weeks ago when I had a small amount of time to work on jewelry. I really hadn't meant to wear any of them until after I was finished with this project. But it was the only necklace that matched the outfit I had for that day. SO I wore this. It is a lapis disk on a gold chain. I imitated a necklace that a friend of mine has. I actually made a couple necklaces like this with different gemstones.
 I am running out of simple silver necklaces so this is one of my last ones. It is a rose quartz dagger on a silver chain. I am sure either me or my Mom made this years ago and it is one of those necklaces that I have to remember I have in order to wear it. I might just take it apart or add to it one of these days.
 This is the last of my Avon set of necklaces. I don't wear it all that often because I don't usually wear heart necklaces. I don't know why.
 This was not four necklaces that I wore all at once. It is one necklace with different pendants and chains. I loved this idea when I bought the necklace especially since it had a locket. But the problem with this necklace is that it twists and knots up really bad. Plus, I have pictures of my niece and nephew in the locket, but I now have so many more nieces and nephews so I need a bigger locket.
 I think I originally bought this necklace so I could take it apart. The pendent is an imitation smoky quarts  which is really why I picked this up. And I figured I could make a simple pearl necklace with the golden freshwater pearls. I have not done that yet because I like to wear the necklace with some other earring that I have made to go with it.

This black necklace was an impulse buy because I wanted the earrings that went along with it. I haven't worn the necklace very often because it seems so intricate and a little fancier than the clothes that I have a tendency to wear. If the pendant had glass or crystals on it I might wear it more, but it is plastic. Which probably makes it lighter to wear. 

So I am getting close to being done. I could stop right now but I am determined to finish this project.

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