Friday, March 8, 2013

Necklace Days 41 & 42

Whew, only two at a time instead of five. Not too far behind. I am happy to say my nieces are obsessed with necklaces and they always mess with which ever one I have on. Their mother doesn't wear necklaces very often so they like mine. Well they like all jewelry really. So I have made them simple little cheap necklaces for Christmas and their birthdays for the last couple of years. I like that they are very girly.

I got this necklace as a graduation gift when graduated with my undergraduate. I received it from my boss and friend who made jewelry. This piece is pink pearls and garnet on illusion line. I usually wear the emerald cut post earrings she gave me with this necklace.

This is the first Swarovski crystal necklace I bought and what inspired my copycat necklaces. It is so fun because it is very delicate cut but held on a leather string. I have debated getting some small crystals in this pink to make earrings but I usually don't wear earrings with it and when I do they are very simple. Tonight as I was wearing it my 2 year old niece kept asking what it was. When I would tell her it was a necklace she would correct me and tell me it was a heart. Then she proceeded to try and shove the crystal into my chest. So I had to take it off before she decided to stick it somewhere else.

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